Saturday, May 23, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Manifesting Your Desires

Manifesting Your Desires

One of the most asked questions regarding the Law Of Attraction, is "How do I manifest the things I desire?" Many times I have heard people say, "I have my contrast sheet done, and I have my desire statement done. I have created a dream board. I have asked, and put out to the universe all I really want, but nothing is happening!" Well, let me tell you how it happened for me.

A couple of years ago nothing was happening for me. In spite of what I thought was the correct request, I wasn't receiving anything. Nothing in my life was changing, and I was finding myself feeling more negative than positive most of the time. I did my online searching homework, and found Michael Losier, on youtube, who taught me exactly how the LOA worked. I started practicing daily. I did worksheets, contrast sheets, told myself I could have these things which I desired, but still I was unable to manifest things. 

That's when I realized I was very unhappy inside. I wasn't accepting of myself. I wasn't loving my life, and loving myself. That's where Max Ryan comes in. He is all about love. Through his courses I learned self-love and acceptance. This part of the LOA is very important. While you won't hear it said very often, self-love, and acceptance of the self, is the key to manifesting the things which you desire. Here is how it works.

Once we are clear on what it is that we desire, we can put that desire out to the Universe. Our vibration surrounding that which we desire must be positive, therefore we must believe not only that what we wish for will manifest, but that what we wish for is something we are deserving of. There has to be a pure positive belief behind the request. One of my requests has been for a better monetary situation. I have desired this for longer than I can remember. In fact, I have struggled with money for the better part of my life.

The first shift happened after listening to Michael regarding resistance. Why wasn't my desire manifesting? Resistance? How could that be? Well, I had put my request out to the Universe with a negative vibration because I felt desperate when I would think about my money situation. I didn't realize it at that time, but that was what was happening, and therefore that was what I was receiving. 

Then Max's, "I love myself, I love my life," class started. I realized that I really was unhappy about myself. Somehow, as we age, the physical changes are not always accepted by the mind. How was it I was starting to look so old? As a single person, my chances of finding love were slim to none with this aging body and face... at least that is what I had started to believe.  Every time I looked in the mirror I saw an older woman who was not worthy of love, not a loving spirit worthy of all things good. The shift for me happened about the middle of this set of classes. 

One night, after class, as I laid in bed and reflected on our class conversation, many negative thoughts began to fill my mind. One by one they came, and I realized I had completely forgotten about all those moments in my past. It was like a cleansing of the spirit. It was painful to remember, but it was also like lifting a weight off my shoulders. I took responsibility for those things, and realized how I had played a part in it all by making poor choices. I observed them, felt them, then I let them go, and found true love for myself and my life.

This was a huge step! I also realized that I had always equated money or great wealth with anger, greed, people who were not nice, social differences, a whole lot of negative vibes. Wow, you can imagine my moment of clarity. Here I had been asking for the very thing I hated. I was putting money as the responsible factor for people's behavior. I had even said in the past that I never wanted to be like "that" rich person. Rich people are greedy. No, greedy people are greedy. Imagine that! I had discovered my resistance. A seed planted so many years ago I had completely forgotten about it. I immediately thought about what money really was. It was energy. Pure and simple. It wasn't the root of all evil, it wasn't responsible for the actions of others. It was good, fun, fabulous, high vibe feeling. Talk about a shift, that was a huge shift for me.

Then came the night when as I lay in bed, thinking about everything which had recently happened, I realized that I was happy, feeling joy, at peace, without worry. In fact, I don't know that I had any emotion going on. It was the greatest feeling of peace. It was like I was floating through the room. Nothing mattered anymore. There wasn't any stress, anger, sorrow, desire, unanswered questions. There was nothing. No attachment to anything. Just the most peaceful feeling I have ever in my life experienced. That was the beginning of the manifestation process.

You see, all my life I had desired peace of mind. All my life I had searched for this feeling of peace and happiness, calm, stress free, and worry free existence. I can't begin to tell you how many hours, days, weeks, years, had gone by while I continued to search. This was the greatest manifestation of my life. The Universe had given me what I asked for. It had brought everything I needed to do, know, or have, (as Michael puts it), to manifest my greatest desire. The Universe wrapped me in its arms and held me like a baby. It is a feeling I will never forget, and can only hope to continue to experience again and again.

Not long after that, I changed how I asked for a better financial situation. I put positive vibes into my feelings about it. I told the universe I was even happy to work for additional income. All I needed was enough to cover a few bills which were not being taken care of. But wait, why ask for a little when I would truly enjoy a lot? So, I asked for more than I needed knowing I would find a use for any left over funds. As LOA would have it, within 2 months of asking for a better financial situation, I received a job offer that would put me exactly where I desired to be! I believe this quick manifestation is due to my inner peace and positive vibrational spirit. I have also manifested a few other things as well. I have come to learn that once we find the inner love and acceptance, release attachment to all things, and have an inner peace and joy, the universe can do it's job without interference from us. At least this has been my experience.

If you can master this, you can teach this to your children. They will become masters at allowing the universe to manifest their desires if they are at peace. It starts with you, then you can teach them. I work with my grandchildren almost daily. When they are at odds with each other or within themselves, I remind them that they are Angels, and what do Angels do? I will often ask them. This question brings them to a good place emotionally. That's really all I can ask of them. At least for now, as they are young and just learning how to use the LOA in their lives.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Working Through Resistance

Children and the Law Of Attraction
Working Through Resistance

Resistance to change seems to be an issue. The first thought is, this is happening because of me. How can that be so? The Law of Attraction says what I give my attention, energy, and focus to is what I will receive. A perfect example is how my day went.

I was up earlier than I needed to be which probably caused me to be more tired than usual. From there, listening to children yell, simply gave me the opportunity to ignore it and stay happy, or to give attention to it and become upset. I chose to become upset. Instead of staying in my Vortex, I chose to become unhappy about all the yelling that I could hear from downstairs. From there, it was off to the volleyball game. The team I play on is for the most part a losing team. Instead of hearing positive court talk from team members, I started hearing “I’m mad,” from several players. They were “mad” at their performance, and one gal even said “I’ll probably not make it over the net, as usual,” as she prepared to serve the ball. I tried to keep it positive. “We can do this, we can win. The game isn’t over until the final point is made!” I tried to cheer. No one was going for it.

At this point I had the choice to let it go and chalk it up to things being status quo, or try talking to the girls about staying positive. Of course I couldn’t resist making things worse. I approached them and said, “We need to be more positive on the court.” No one wanted to listen, and rather than think about how much better things could be by staying positive, knowing we are doing our best, they tuned me out. I had to make a choice, and the choice I made was to quit the team right there and then.

Why? Because doing things that don’t make me happy only result in me being upset thus taking me out of my Vortex. I knew when I started playing with these girls that they were not a top notch team, nor did they seem to want to learn how to play as a team, however, they are all friends with each other, and a couple of them actually have played volleyball for a long time. I can’t swim upstream every week and feel good about it. If they won’t even listen to me for a few minutes, they won’t ever listen.

I made poor choices today. While I know the LOA rules of engagement, I chose to go out of my Vortex, and created a very low vibrational day for myself.

This happens from time to time, especially if you live a life that includes contact with other’s who do not understand or practice the law. That is one of the hardest things to conquer. Realizing that I can control only my emotions. Only I can choose to leave my Vortex (happy place), and no one is responsible for my feelings but myself. Accepting that I cannot control anyone else but myself. That includes children, peers, and other team members. Acceptance that it is sometimes better to be quiet than to share, even if I think it will help.

Thinking that what I am about to say will "make things better," is my ego talking. There will be plenty of times when the ego will make us want to say something about a situation, or give an unwanted response to something that is going on. My wonderful ego. I should have thanked my ego for wanting to “pitch in” and help, then told it to be quiet and just left the game without saying a word. None of the team members were interested in anything I had to say anyway.

Today’s lesson is about knowing when to step away from the “I can fix you” podium, and taking care of yourself. Things would have been wonderful, perfect, and happy for me if only I would have remembered the LOA rules of engagement, and kept myself in my Vortex.

Teaching our children, or even being around other’s can be challenging especially on a day when we are not in alignment with ourselves, and Source. It was a hard lesson to take, but now that I have reflected on things, I see where I will be able to use this day as an example of contrast. Meaning, I have seen and experienced something I didn’t like about my actions, therefore, I have the power to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

With Much Love,


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Meeting Resistance

Children and the Law Of Attraction
Meeting Resistance
Take a piece of notebook paper and place one title for each of the following areas we have covered on the top of each page.

Giving unlimited, unconditional love.
Creating a positive environment for your child.
Looking at the audio, visual, and verbal input you are allowing.
Teaching your child about living a life of love and acceptance of the self.
Omitting negative words, especially the words don’t, not, and no.
Turning negative desire statements into positive desire statements.
Playing the, don’t, not, and no game.
Asking the question, “So, what do you want?”
You receive what you ask for, words = thoughts = vibes = results.
Finding the positive in all situations.
Gratitude journaling.
Contrast and what you DO want.

Title each page with one of the above. These pages will now become your journal page guides. Think about how many times you have done each one and what changes, or results you experienced. Note specific events and what was said and done. It will be useful in the future to have these notes to review. You can even date the event. This will give you a time frame as things change, and you will be able to go back in a few weeks, months, or a year and read how things “used to be!”


Sometimes when we are trying to make positive changes we will encounter resistance. Resistance can be anything from a child who will not listen to you when you try to explain how things work best, to a child seeming to purposely oppose your directions and suggestions. This is common and nothing to worry about as long as you continue to show leadership and consistency. Here is an example of a true event.

Mary has four children. Her oldest daughter, Sarah, has been listening to Mary talk about the Law Of Attraction for several months but a few weeks back Sarah started acting very rude to everyone including Mary. When Mary asked Sarah to assist in a chore, Sarah simply walked away from her as if not to hear the request. In addition to that, Sarah started saying “no” to Mary. Sarah also started picking on her younger siblings and saying mean things. After discussing the situation with her husband, Mary asked Sarah to tell her what had been happening at school. After a bit of hesitation Sarah finally said her “friends” had started being rude and mean to her at school, which was upsetting her. After several minutes of conversation, Mary pointed out to Sarah how the Law Of Attraction was giving her back what she was putting out. Sarah was starting to experience the negativity she had been showing towards her family members. "You are getting what you are sending out. You are being mean, causing arguments, ignoring my requests, and now that is what is happing to you." Mary said, “I have explained how things that we do come back to us because that is what we are vibrating. Instead of being nice, helpful, and polite, you have chosen to do otherwise. You should think about the things you enjoy in a friend, and be specific. Think about what it is you DO want. Think of the best qualities your good friends have and put them on a list. These are the things you will want to find in a friend. Take a few days to make your list, and then read it everyday. You will start meeting people who have those fine qualities and begin to make new, positive, friendships.”

This is a perfect example of how things work. We get what we vibrate, and we have the gift of choice. We get to choose what we are going to do and say. When we make the choice to become negative, we will attract negativity. When we choose to become positive, we will attract positive.

Continue to be positive with your children, and they will learn to be positive. When they begin to show negativity you can remind them that the choices we make will affect what we receive. Remain calm when you receive resistance and chose your words carefully. Remember that you are their primary example, and keep your journals going.

Have fun!

With much Love,

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Practice makes Perfect

Children and the Law Of Attraction
Practice makes Perfect

Over the last two weeks, I have talked about two of the most important aspects of the Law Of Attraction. The law states what you give your time, energy, and focus to you will receive whether positive or negative. Yes, that is correct. Positive or negative, you will receive what you vibrate. A vibration is a feeling, and we all have feelings. In fact, at every moment we are experiencing a feeling, which is sending off a vibration. The job for the universe is to match your vibration.

Words  =  Thoughts  =  Feelings  =  Results
Words  =  Thoughts  =  Vibrations  =  Results

The first week’s challenge was to look differently at the role you play as a parent, and to say something positive to your child each and every day. I recently had a conversation with my sister. Our children are adults, but I wanted to share this for the positive view that is so important in everything we do and say. My sister told me that she was upset with her daughter for running over an orange road cone. Because she ran over the cone, it became lodged under her car and she had to call a friend for assistance. While removing the cone, her friend realized her water pump was leaking. He told her she should ask her dad to fix it for her. I told my sister that it was actually a blessing that she ran over the cone. Because of that, the leak in the water pump was found before there was serious trouble which could have landed her daughter stranded in a much more dangerous situation. Thinking of the value of this situation, and seeing the positive, my sister’s attitude changed, and the vibration she gave off from this way of thinking about the situation became a positive instead of negative.

Have you ever kept a diary, or tried journaling? Keeping a gratitude journal will help you to start realizing the positive things that are taking place in your life on a daily basis. You could start a journal with your children. Ask them to tell you something that they are grateful for that day. Changing our perspective changes our feelings, and if we can change the negative to positive, then write about it, we will be sending positive vibes out into the universe, which will then create more positive situations returned to us. Another thing journaling does is it gives us time to reflect on ourselves. Changing our thoughts isn’t always easy. If someone is used to always seeing or hearing the negative, it will take practice to find the positive.

Putting positive actions and words into practice, feeling love for others and ourselves, letting go of the negative, feeling open to receiving all we desire, and journaling our gratitude will assist you in teaching the Law Of Attraction to your children. You will become their primary example and teacher. They will find self-love, gratitude, become optimistic, be happy, and share their good feelings with others. Being optimistic does not mean we do not see reality. It means we realize that we were meant to be happy. Share some happiness with your children on a daily basis. Get them involved in thinking and speaking positive.

Contrast and the Law Of Attraction

How do we learn to present our desire statements in a positive way? Knowing what you do not want will tell you what you DO want. In the past, I would to refer to the negative things as “things I hated, or didn’t like, or I would even say why does this have to happen?” I have since learned that having things that are not what we want, teaches us what exactly we do want. My first LOA teacher, Michael Losier, teaches that you don’t call the pizza parlor and tell them what you don’t want right? When you call to place an order, you tell them what it is you do want.

How do you know what it is you don’t want? Well, if it doesn’t make you feel good, if it doesn’t taste good, if it doesn’t sound good, then you know you don’t want it right? The “don’t wants” are contrast. By having contrast in our lives, we learn what it is that we truly DO want!

I prefer to avoid conflict, so I surround myself with positive like-minded people. I keep myself in a positive frame of mind, and allow others to have their own opinions without having to insist that I am correct, regardless of the topic. I listen to music that is relaxing, or uplifting. I watch videos about LOA, or positive spiritual advise. I create an environment that supports the lifestyle I wish to live. It’s that simple. Did it take time, energy, and focus to get here? Yes. Does it take nurturing, care, and attention on a daily basis? Yes it does. Is it worth it? Yes, it is!

Creating your Contrast List

Take a piece of paper and divide it in half long ways. On one side you will write the things you don’t want. Take time and think of how you can reframe what it is that you do want, and write it on the opposite side. This will become your contrast sheet, and it will help you to start thinking in a positive uplifting way of the things you do want in your life. Here is an example:

I don’t want to be late for work.     I am always on time for my job.
I don’t want my home messy.       I enjoy living in a neat clean environment.
I don’t have enough money.          I always have more than enough money.
My children always fight.                My children are well behaved.

Try this at home with your children. Create your positive desire statements using your contrast sheet, and read the positive statements daily. Have fun, be creative, and you will begin to see a change in your children and your lifestyle.

With much Love,


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Omitting Negative Words

Children and the Law of Attraction

Omitting The Negative Words
Don't, Not, and No

One of the first things I was taught about using the Law Of Attraction was to omit negative words from my vocabulary. The three most important words to leave out of your desire statements are Don’t, Not, and No.

One of the first words a child learns to use is no. As parents, we say no to our children at a very young age. If our child is going to touch something, or asks for something they can’t have, tries to do something we don’t want them to do, says something we don’t want them to say…the list goes on and on.

If we continue to use the word “no”, they learn to use the word no. The challenge here is to find another way to say what it is we do want of them. Instead of saying something like “no, you can’t have soda”, we could say “I would like you to have water, milk, juice, or what ever it is you prefer them to have. They may fuss a bit, but by leaving out the no, you convey what it is you want of them instead of what you do not want. You turn your response from a negative to a positive. They will learn from you to omit the word no, and start saying what it is they do want in a positive statement. We are their first line of example.

Why We Want To Omit Negative Words

The law of attraction does not recognize don’t, not, and no. The example I learned was, if you Google “no football” what do you get? Football. No means nothing. You will still get the subject you are searching for regardless of using the term “no”. Because of this, saying something like “no running in the house” becomes “run in the house”, “no fighting” usually will not encourage children to stop fighting. A statement such as “I would appreciate it if you would walk when you are in the house”, or “I would appreciate it if you will play nicely together”, works wonders not only for you but for your children as well. Do you feel the difference in the energy of those two sentences?

It’s all about the energy we generate when we are saying something. Words become thoughts, thoughts create vibrations, and vibrations become results. Finding new, positive ways of saying things will create positive feelings, which will bring about positive results.

I played a game with my grandchildren when I first started teaching them about the law of attraction, and told them we were going to stop saying don’t, not, and no. I gave each of them a jar with quarters in it. The rules are if someone is caught saying don’t, not, or no, they have to put one of their quarters in the jar of the person who caught them. Needless to say within 10 minutes they were catching each other almost immediately. Also, I noticed that they were catching themselves and quickly changing their sentences.

My middle granddaughter likes to tell her little brother no all the time. Instead of asking him for what she does want, she simply says “No Aden!” Of course this brings a negative response from him. Another part of the game rules is once someone is caught saying no, they have to reframe the remark. For example, if we are playing cards and Aden goes out of turn, instead of saying “no, it’s not your turn!” she has to reframe her remark in a positive way such as “your turn is after mine, so please wait until I’m done.”

Younger children need reminders all the time, but if you are consistent with your practice, they will learn and follow. “I don’t want to go to bed” will become “I would like to stay up a little longer.” “Don’t forget to do your homework” becomes “Remember to do your homework.” Don’t slam the door!” becomes “Please close the door quietly.” The feelings behind these sentences can be easily felt, and the more positive feeling is always the best. In fact, you will find yourself feeling a lot better almost immediately. You too will start catching yourself using these words, and changing your sentences.

So, What Do You Want?

Another part of this action is asking the question, “So what do you want?” If your child says, “I don’t want to share my toys,” ask “so what do you want?” Help them to realize they need to reframe their desire in a positive statement. “I want to play alone right now.” “I don’t want ketchup on my hamburger” can become “I would like my hamburger without ketchup please.” “I’m not going to go outside” can become “I would like to stay inside right now.” “You can not have that!” becomes “Perhaps we will get that at another time.”

It isn’t the easiest thing to do, and it will take practice to master, but it is worth its weight in gold. Presenting our desire statements in a positive way will bring positive results that will change your life, your family dynamics, and it will allow your children to learn how to speak in a positive way.

Remember, words become thoughts, and thoughts create vibrations or feelings, (good or bad), which create results. We get what we vibrate! Positive vibrations = positive results. Negative vibrations = negative results. Change your words = change your results.

Words = Thoughts = Feelings (Vibes) = Results

Have fun with this one, and please feel free to comment, or ask questions. I would enjoy hearing from you.

With much Love,
