Thursday, January 1, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction

I have been studying the Law Of Attraction for a year now, and in that time it has been my pleasure to meet so many people from different walks of life who all have the same thing to offer.


They are all offering love. Unlimited, unconditional, pure from the heart, free of charge, love. There is nothing to buy, nothing to agree to, nothing to give back. It comes from their hearts straight to those who choose to listen and change their lives for the better.

I can't begin to tell you how many times I have thought, if only I had learned this stuff when I was a child. My entire life as I know it would have been different. My internal suffering would not have been. My lack of self-esteem, my dislike of self, my inability to believe in myself and others, would never have happened. Anger and sorrow may have had a brief moment of my time and attention and worrying about what others thought of me would have taken a back seat to my peace of mind and happiness.

Yes, I am talking about the Law of Attraction. The Universal law that says, you receive what you give your energy, attention, and focus to.

Have you ever desired something and realized you received it? Have you ever had a friend call just at the moment you were thinking about them? It may be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, but at some point you will receive what you ask for.

Because I know this to be true, and because of my personal experience I have decided that I want to help parents teach their children about the Law of Attraction. I want our future generations to have a better quality of life regardless of their physical surroundings. I want them to grow up with self-esteem and the knowledge that they can have what ever they want in life. They can be what ever they want to be. They are success, peace, love, happiness, and all things that are good. It's all about perspective and perception.

How do you create a positive environment for your child? How do you see life and opportunities? What type of input do you allow in your home, and surround your children with?

These are important questions to ask ourselves and to take seriously. I know life can be hectic at times, and it may seem like there is too much going on, however, that is simply a perspective. We can look at our busy lives as challenges. The challenge is to stay happy regardless of what is going on around us. To feel relaxed, and confident that we can do all things. To ask ourselves how we brought this upon ourselves, and if we are not happy about it, what are we going to do to change it.

Life is wonderful, and so is love. We can start with finding the love in ourselves, and towards ourselves. I personally had difficulty with this, and took a course by Max Ryan (, which changed my perspective about myself. I now love myself more and more each day. This is a huge positive step for me.

Today is the perfect day to start teaching your child about living a life of love and acceptance of the self. About dreaming big, and knowing it can and will happen. I hope you will continue to follow my blog on this subject. There is a lot to cover, and I will be posting each week. This week I challenge you to look differently at the role you play as a parent. To say something positive to your child each and every day, and to look at what words you are using and what type of input you are allowing your child or children to be exposed to.

With much Love,

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