Saturday, May 23, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Manifesting Your Desires

Manifesting Your Desires

One of the most asked questions regarding the Law Of Attraction, is "How do I manifest the things I desire?" Many times I have heard people say, "I have my contrast sheet done, and I have my desire statement done. I have created a dream board. I have asked, and put out to the universe all I really want, but nothing is happening!" Well, let me tell you how it happened for me.

A couple of years ago nothing was happening for me. In spite of what I thought was the correct request, I wasn't receiving anything. Nothing in my life was changing, and I was finding myself feeling more negative than positive most of the time. I did my online searching homework, and found Michael Losier, on youtube, who taught me exactly how the LOA worked. I started practicing daily. I did worksheets, contrast sheets, told myself I could have these things which I desired, but still I was unable to manifest things. 

That's when I realized I was very unhappy inside. I wasn't accepting of myself. I wasn't loving my life, and loving myself. That's where Max Ryan comes in. He is all about love. Through his courses I learned self-love and acceptance. This part of the LOA is very important. While you won't hear it said very often, self-love, and acceptance of the self, is the key to manifesting the things which you desire. Here is how it works.

Once we are clear on what it is that we desire, we can put that desire out to the Universe. Our vibration surrounding that which we desire must be positive, therefore we must believe not only that what we wish for will manifest, but that what we wish for is something we are deserving of. There has to be a pure positive belief behind the request. One of my requests has been for a better monetary situation. I have desired this for longer than I can remember. In fact, I have struggled with money for the better part of my life.

The first shift happened after listening to Michael regarding resistance. Why wasn't my desire manifesting? Resistance? How could that be? Well, I had put my request out to the Universe with a negative vibration because I felt desperate when I would think about my money situation. I didn't realize it at that time, but that was what was happening, and therefore that was what I was receiving. 

Then Max's, "I love myself, I love my life," class started. I realized that I really was unhappy about myself. Somehow, as we age, the physical changes are not always accepted by the mind. How was it I was starting to look so old? As a single person, my chances of finding love were slim to none with this aging body and face... at least that is what I had started to believe.  Every time I looked in the mirror I saw an older woman who was not worthy of love, not a loving spirit worthy of all things good. The shift for me happened about the middle of this set of classes. 

One night, after class, as I laid in bed and reflected on our class conversation, many negative thoughts began to fill my mind. One by one they came, and I realized I had completely forgotten about all those moments in my past. It was like a cleansing of the spirit. It was painful to remember, but it was also like lifting a weight off my shoulders. I took responsibility for those things, and realized how I had played a part in it all by making poor choices. I observed them, felt them, then I let them go, and found true love for myself and my life.

This was a huge step! I also realized that I had always equated money or great wealth with anger, greed, people who were not nice, social differences, a whole lot of negative vibes. Wow, you can imagine my moment of clarity. Here I had been asking for the very thing I hated. I was putting money as the responsible factor for people's behavior. I had even said in the past that I never wanted to be like "that" rich person. Rich people are greedy. No, greedy people are greedy. Imagine that! I had discovered my resistance. A seed planted so many years ago I had completely forgotten about it. I immediately thought about what money really was. It was energy. Pure and simple. It wasn't the root of all evil, it wasn't responsible for the actions of others. It was good, fun, fabulous, high vibe feeling. Talk about a shift, that was a huge shift for me.

Then came the night when as I lay in bed, thinking about everything which had recently happened, I realized that I was happy, feeling joy, at peace, without worry. In fact, I don't know that I had any emotion going on. It was the greatest feeling of peace. It was like I was floating through the room. Nothing mattered anymore. There wasn't any stress, anger, sorrow, desire, unanswered questions. There was nothing. No attachment to anything. Just the most peaceful feeling I have ever in my life experienced. That was the beginning of the manifestation process.

You see, all my life I had desired peace of mind. All my life I had searched for this feeling of peace and happiness, calm, stress free, and worry free existence. I can't begin to tell you how many hours, days, weeks, years, had gone by while I continued to search. This was the greatest manifestation of my life. The Universe had given me what I asked for. It had brought everything I needed to do, know, or have, (as Michael puts it), to manifest my greatest desire. The Universe wrapped me in its arms and held me like a baby. It is a feeling I will never forget, and can only hope to continue to experience again and again.

Not long after that, I changed how I asked for a better financial situation. I put positive vibes into my feelings about it. I told the universe I was even happy to work for additional income. All I needed was enough to cover a few bills which were not being taken care of. But wait, why ask for a little when I would truly enjoy a lot? So, I asked for more than I needed knowing I would find a use for any left over funds. As LOA would have it, within 2 months of asking for a better financial situation, I received a job offer that would put me exactly where I desired to be! I believe this quick manifestation is due to my inner peace and positive vibrational spirit. I have also manifested a few other things as well. I have come to learn that once we find the inner love and acceptance, release attachment to all things, and have an inner peace and joy, the universe can do it's job without interference from us. At least this has been my experience.

If you can master this, you can teach this to your children. They will become masters at allowing the universe to manifest their desires if they are at peace. It starts with you, then you can teach them. I work with my grandchildren almost daily. When they are at odds with each other or within themselves, I remind them that they are Angels, and what do Angels do? I will often ask them. This question brings them to a good place emotionally. That's really all I can ask of them. At least for now, as they are young and just learning how to use the LOA in their lives.


1 comment:

  1. I think the law of attraction is very real. Think positive!
