Sunday, February 8, 2015

Children and the Law Of Attraction, Working Through Resistance

Children and the Law Of Attraction
Working Through Resistance

Resistance to change seems to be an issue. The first thought is, this is happening because of me. How can that be so? The Law of Attraction says what I give my attention, energy, and focus to is what I will receive. A perfect example is how my day went.

I was up earlier than I needed to be which probably caused me to be more tired than usual. From there, listening to children yell, simply gave me the opportunity to ignore it and stay happy, or to give attention to it and become upset. I chose to become upset. Instead of staying in my Vortex, I chose to become unhappy about all the yelling that I could hear from downstairs. From there, it was off to the volleyball game. The team I play on is for the most part a losing team. Instead of hearing positive court talk from team members, I started hearing “I’m mad,” from several players. They were “mad” at their performance, and one gal even said “I’ll probably not make it over the net, as usual,” as she prepared to serve the ball. I tried to keep it positive. “We can do this, we can win. The game isn’t over until the final point is made!” I tried to cheer. No one was going for it.

At this point I had the choice to let it go and chalk it up to things being status quo, or try talking to the girls about staying positive. Of course I couldn’t resist making things worse. I approached them and said, “We need to be more positive on the court.” No one wanted to listen, and rather than think about how much better things could be by staying positive, knowing we are doing our best, they tuned me out. I had to make a choice, and the choice I made was to quit the team right there and then.

Why? Because doing things that don’t make me happy only result in me being upset thus taking me out of my Vortex. I knew when I started playing with these girls that they were not a top notch team, nor did they seem to want to learn how to play as a team, however, they are all friends with each other, and a couple of them actually have played volleyball for a long time. I can’t swim upstream every week and feel good about it. If they won’t even listen to me for a few minutes, they won’t ever listen.

I made poor choices today. While I know the LOA rules of engagement, I chose to go out of my Vortex, and created a very low vibrational day for myself.

This happens from time to time, especially if you live a life that includes contact with other’s who do not understand or practice the law. That is one of the hardest things to conquer. Realizing that I can control only my emotions. Only I can choose to leave my Vortex (happy place), and no one is responsible for my feelings but myself. Accepting that I cannot control anyone else but myself. That includes children, peers, and other team members. Acceptance that it is sometimes better to be quiet than to share, even if I think it will help.

Thinking that what I am about to say will "make things better," is my ego talking. There will be plenty of times when the ego will make us want to say something about a situation, or give an unwanted response to something that is going on. My wonderful ego. I should have thanked my ego for wanting to “pitch in” and help, then told it to be quiet and just left the game without saying a word. None of the team members were interested in anything I had to say anyway.

Today’s lesson is about knowing when to step away from the “I can fix you” podium, and taking care of yourself. Things would have been wonderful, perfect, and happy for me if only I would have remembered the LOA rules of engagement, and kept myself in my Vortex.

Teaching our children, or even being around other’s can be challenging especially on a day when we are not in alignment with ourselves, and Source. It was a hard lesson to take, but now that I have reflected on things, I see where I will be able to use this day as an example of contrast. Meaning, I have seen and experienced something I didn’t like about my actions, therefore, I have the power to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

With Much Love,
